Monday, May 21, 2012

How Wide the Divide?

How Wide the Divide? A Mormon and an Evangelical in Conversation
by Craig Blomberg and Stephen E. Robinson

Wow.  What an intellectual and gratifying read!  Written by an evangelical Christian and a Mormon on four of the main "issues" of Christian orthodox beliefs, the book attempts to discern the differences and (significant) similarities between the faiths.  Both are respectful, patient, and willing to work toward a common 'vocabulary' of theological terms that would promote further discussions between evangelicals and Mormons.  As one who has interacted with Mormons extensively (and loves them to death!) I was so pleased to see some of the conversations I have already had (or attempted to have) with my friends in a scholarly format.  It's encouraging to see that we're doing something right - promoting positive discussion and mutual respect!  Highly recommend, if you have any interest whatsoever in Mormon-Evangelical beliefs!

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