Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey

Fifty Shades of Grey, by E L James

No, I'm not reading this.  Nor do I plan to.  
Consider this a friendly-but-urgent warning to stay away from it.

As a blog for literature, and literature-related things, I feel a need to address the fact that we as readers have the power of discretion.  We don't need to buy into the hype of the latest and greatest book; neither do we need to read it to form an educated opinion on the content.

Here's what one blogger has to say about it: I'm not reading Fifty Shades of Grey.

Steer clear, dear friends.

Friday, June 22, 2012

score at the thrift store!

Ok, so the first one is a DVD.
And the last one is a gratuitous summer read.
Judge not: all this for $4!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

fare thee well, Ray

Ray Bradbury

Our world has lost another brilliant mind, prolific writer and visionary in Ray Bradbury.  
He is famous not only for his contributions to the science fiction and fantasy genres, but also, ironically, his skepticism of the value of the Internet and modern technology.  His book Fahrenheit 451 was released as an e-book, against his will.  "We have too many machines now," he said.

Honor Mr. Bradbury's life.  
Pick up a real book and read it.  
I recommend his short stories.

Rest in peace, old soul.  

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Great Divorce

The Great Divorce, by C.S. Lewis

How on earth could I have forgotten the brilliance of dear Jack?  My love for (and envy of) his command of language?  The way he articulates belief?  His sheer imagination?  So glad am I to have been reintroduced!

I read this today.  A) It is that brief, and B) it is that good.  Lewis wrote this little piece - obviously reminiscent of Dante's Inferno - as an allegory describing Heaven and Hell, in order to counter the idea of universalism.  The theme is direct, but whether or not you agree with his theology, this book is worth the read for the issues it raises, and his gorgeous descriptions.  

Please read!  You won't be sorry!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Time Traveler's Wife

The Time Traveler's Wife, by Audrey Niffenegger

Phew.  Finished and emotionally drained.  I must say this is the most interesting and compelling novel I've read in far too long.  Thanks, Audrey, for this imaginative and enlightened look on love, relationships and life.  Plus, having already seen the movie, it was delightful to imagine Rachel McAdams in the title role and Eric Bana as Henry.  Perfect.

This is the kind of story I'd wish to write: segmented and careful and closed.  Just with less sex and language, is all.  Had I read it before I was married, the treatment of sex and marriage would have messed with my mind a bit; so with that disclaimer, I cannot recommend it in good conscience to, say, our youth group girls.  As for me, I was entertained, involved, and completely sold on the idea.  Yes thank you more please!