It's been about three months since my last post. It's not that I haven't been reading. Because I have been. Kinda. I've been jumping from book to book for a while, and in doing so, haven't thought to write down any thoughts about these particular books. But it's time for an update. Please bear with me and my fragmented thoughts/sentences; I'm nearly in my right mind, and will use this occasion to pull the pregnancy card.
Since finishing the Shakespeare book by Bryson, I've sampled:
marriage books (The Sacred Romance, Real Marriage),
novels/short stories (Ender's Game, The Jungle Books, The Scarlet Pimpernel, The Book Thief),
religious stuff (The Forgiveness Labyrinth, The Vine and the Trellis, The Mass)
other non-fiction (Made in America, The Professor and the Madman)
See? I have been busy. But not captured enough to finish one. Obviously some of these I've read before.... Eh. My eyes hurt.